Your Mother.

Mama's name is BELLA.
Currently a Pioneer-ian.
On my sweet 13'.
You don't like her?
Neither does she like you.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Your mother fly.

Fucking P6 bitch.
Your mother fly la hor.
What an imbecile with a fuckface.
Call your father,
Fuck you until your asshole also got cum.
Look at this fucking slut,
Argue with me,
Say want back up fight.
Don't dare 1v1 with me -.-
 And then, she block me.
And she told me HER MOTHER told her to block me.
What a fucking loser. (:
Eh bitch,
How dare you scold my mother?
Your mother fly la.
Fucking fuckface flat chest bitch.