- Day01 : Write about your bestfriend and how you are grateful to her/him.
- Day02 : Write about your most precious girlfriend and why she/he is precious to you.
- Day03 : How have change from last year to this year?
- Day04 : Who's the friend with the biggest change? And how did she/he changed?
- Day05 : Write about who you want to go out with a lot.
- Day06 : Write about one of your family members.
- Day07 : Where are you most comfortable writing? At what time of day? Computer or good ol’ pen and paper?
- Day08 : One thing that makes you happy, sad, angry. ( Each per 1 thing. )
- Day09 : Who's the sexy bitch in your life?
- Day10 : Biggest fear.
- Day11 : Write about everyone that wants to be in this.
- Day12 : Where'd you like to be in 10 years time?
- Day13 : Dream job.
- Day14 : One celebrity you would like to punch in the face.
- Day15 : If you had $500, you would spend it on.
- Day16 : Describe how single life is different from couple life.
- Day17 : Your views on drugs and alcohol.
- Day18 : Put your ipod/itunes on shuffle and write down the first 10 songs.
- Day19 : Your zodiac sign and if you think it's your personality.
- Day20 : Your best memory.
- Day21 : What is your type of guy?
- Day22 : Describe your first kiss.
- Day23 : Someone who fascinates you and why.
- Day24 : A moment you felt most satisfied with your life.
- Day25 : Disrespecting your parents.
- Day26 : A problem that you have had.
- Day27 : A time when you thought of ending your life.
- Day28 : How you hope your future would be like.
- Day29 : Goals for the next 30 days.
- Day30 : Your high and lows of this month.
Your Mother.
Mama's name is BELLA.
Currently a Pioneer-ian.
On my sweet 13'.
You don't like her?
Neither does she like you.