Blogging now.
Tired like a butthole.
Here's a picture of me and Xinling (:
Obviously, i'm the one the right side.
I'm obvious the one on the left side.
I seriously like my status.
Funny or what.
In this status,
Probably most of those who like the status,
Knows who i'm talking about :D

And then,
The answer's reveal!
Mandy Ong Ci Xin is the person i'm talking about,
In both of the above status.
Obviously the
" You are black and you'll always be "
Is a joke and people like it.
We all know she can do plastic surgery to make her white (:
But she got the money or not?
Don't care about that! :P
The 2nd status,
What's wrong with you.
I got borrow from Angel shirt.
But i'm not so thick-skinned to even cam whore with it,
Then put it on Facebook right?
Are you dumb or what? -.-
I seriously tell you,
You don't keep act one blur.
Huh ? Huh ?
Huh your cb.
Stop stalking him already lah.
I already tell you,
His friends will find you.
Anyway, i like my statuses,
And that's Fon! :D
She lose to me.
Bwahahaha, i know.
I always win.
Just kidding.
I got dimples!
Somehow the right side one is deeper,
And the left side one is not very very deep.
Anyway, i love Kerin's dimples!
They're freaking deep like wtf,
So it makes her look skinny too.
My dimples only make me look fat. ):
That's why i don't like it.
So i'm ending now,